There is Only Love

There is Only Love
By Paul John Roach

The ancient Hindu text the Rig Veda, speaks of the supremacy of love in noble and inspiring words.  It states, 

“In the beginning Love arose
Which was the primal germ cell of the mind.”

The divine, resting in eternal stillness, creates the universe through the impulse of love.  Love arises from the One’s desire to contemplate itself. When Spirit, the whole and complete, looks, it looks with the eyes of love.  

Far from being some beautiful but abstruse piece of philosophy this is a description, a template, of the creative process within our own consciousness.  

As children of the One, of God, we are called to remember that we are indeed beings of love. It is love that creates and sustains us. Love, as the Rig Veda explains, is the primal germ cell of the mind, the seed idea that germinates in the fruitful soil of our willingness. This willingness produces fruit after its kind. 

This process of manifestation from the inside-out is the key to healing. Cofounder of Unity, Myrtle Fillmore, discovered it when she was struggling with tuberculosis.  She shifted her mind from fear to love as she returned to the truth of her being. She remembered that in the beginning love arose as the true Reality, and therefore was able to affirm with faith that, “I am a child of God and therefore I do not inherit sickness.” She began to love herself, her cells, her body, even her fears, and after a period of time she was healed of her condition and went on to live for several productive decades. 

I invite you to activate the healing formula for yourself whether you need healing or have a desire for more wholeness and peace.  

Know that love, in fullness and in beauty, is at the core of you, and arises to bring you life, energy, order, and all the other qualities that you desire.

This love is the primal germ cell of your mind. Whatever you give your attention and focus to becomes manifest in your life experience. Choose wisely therefore.  Plant seeds of possibility in consciousness using affirmation, quiet assurance, open mindedness and gentle strength.  Be patient; seeds need time to germinate and grow.  

As the process unfolds, people and circumstances will show up to bless you and remind you that you are on your right path. Play music and listen to songs likes todays, to anchor yourself in the knowledge that there is only love.

Yes, we live in a universe that unfolds through love. That love is deep within you as your most precious resource. Discover and celebrate that glorious realization today and everyday.