Miriam and Kapil’s Wedding

Miriam_Kapil_Engagement_PhotoOn May 1st Wendy and I will be leaving for Denver, Colorado to celebrate my daughter, Miriam’s wedding. Her fiancé, Kapil is the son of Indian parents so the ceremony(ies) will be predominately Hindu and extend over three days, including a mehndi party, music evening, special pujas as well as the wedding ceremony itself. I will be conducting part of the ceremony to add the Unity perspective. I know it will be exotic and exciting!

As a person who has been involved with Eastern religions since my twenties I am reasonably comfortable with the chants and the offerings to the gods. I see that, beneath the surface differences, we are connecting to an essence that is the same. As the Hindus say, God is formless, but takes many forms.

In his fascinating book, American Veda, Phil Goldberg has described how, from Emerson and the Beatles to yoga and meditation, Indian spirituality has changed the west. The reverse is true also. The liberalization of India and its progress and growth economically and technologically is shifting world power. As a BRIC nation (Brazil, Russia, India and China) it is helping move the center of gravity from the “west” to a genuinely global position.

Some fear these changes and the uncertainty they bring. I don’t. I know that my life has been enriched considerably by my exploration of the East in my 20’s and 30’s and by living in he U.S. for almost half of my life.

I think it was Rudyard Kipling who commented, “What do they know of England who only England know.” We could substitute Texas or any other state or country. Exploring beyond the confines of what we know or think we know is a way to more clearly see ourselves. We not only discover a new place and new people but grow in appreciation for our own place and its people.

I have discovered that we are one. Our dreams, our virtues our bodies and our brains have a commonality that is humbling. Our ways may be different but our hearts yearn for the same connections and experience the same love.

So I celebrate Miriam and Kapil as they commit to a life together. And I celebrate two families, so different in many ways, coming together to explore what it means to be part of a world community. It is truly unity in action!

With Love,



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